latest 20 messages by dts|pokeball

+ [2014-12-31T07:21:59Z] dts|pokeball well anyways, youve been a load of help regardless
+ [2014-12-31T07:17:51Z] dts|pokeball oh hold on, this might be deprecated
+ [2014-12-31T07:17:14Z] dts|pokeball nim might have one, but i doubt it
+ [2014-12-31T07:13:16Z] dts|pokeball oh sorry one more question J1G|Anon126... can i connect over http or do i need to connect over https and do fancy authing stuff?
+ [2014-12-31T07:07:56Z] dts|pokeball but thanks to your patience i think ive got the just of it]
+ [2014-12-31T07:07:38Z] dts|pokeball also, awesome, cause i might need some more help
+ [2014-12-31T07:07:23Z] dts|pokeball ok, so header code + new line + JSON data sent to server?
+ [2014-12-31T07:06:46Z] dts|pokeball also, the user agent doesnt go in the json right?
+ [2014-12-31T07:06:33Z] dts|pokeball thanks for all the help J1G|Anon126 ill probably be able to sort this all out tomororw
+ [2014-12-31T05:49:33Z] dts|pokeball so would i be sending POST /gists\r\n\r\n?
+ [2014-12-31T05:48:02Z] dts|pokeball then the files, desc, etc in json?
+ [2014-12-31T05:47:53Z] dts|pokeball i would send the POST request